Elektromehanika Hožič production of the highest quality electric heaters.
We provide a large selection of heaters. We offer heaters for water heaters, ovens, fryers and saunas, as well as integrated industrial heating solutions,...
Heaters can be made according to standard plans and dimensions, but we can adapt them to your plans and wishes.
Manufacture of heaters
Reliable with many years of experience
The beginning of Elektromehanika Hožič enterprise dates back in 1978 when Mr. Hožič senior opened a small workshop in a rented place. At first, he was only repairing and servicing household appliances, but soon he became aware of a gap in the market of heating bodies. Therefore, he started to manufacturing handmade heaters and hating elements.
In 1984, he moved his workshop to the present location and expanded the business. He hired ground floor of a house.
In 1990, his oldest son took over the business.
Today Elektromehanika Hožič manufactures heating bodies with up-to-date machines in a modern workshop hall. Due to our quality and successful business, we acquired credit rating of A.
For 2019, Elektromehanika Hožič receives a credit rating of AA +. This confirms that we meet the highest quality criteria for 2019 and rank at the very top of credit excellence.
Publication in the media
Podjetje Elektromehanika Hožič je ustanovil oče leta 1978 v majhnem najemniškem prostoru. Pri popravilih gospodinjskih električnih aparatov je opazil pomanjkanje grelcev na takratnem tržišču in začel pisati zgodovino podjetja z v veliki meri ročno narejenimi grelci. Leta 1984 je svojo dejavnost preselil na današnjo lokacijo, kjer je zaradi povpraševanja najel večje prostore v pritličju hiše.
Leta 1990 je vodstvo podjetja prevzel njegov starejši sin. Po petih letih poslovanja je leta 1995 odkupil celotno hišo. V pritličju je nastala prava delavnica, kjer še danes izdelujemo grelce z modernimi stroji. Današnjo podobo je sedež firme dobil leta 2000. Z kvaliteto in uspešnim poslovanjem pa smo pridobili tudi bonitetno oceno AAA. Podjetje se lahko poleg dosežkov na področju grelcev pohvali tudi kot dolgoletni sponzor Moto kluba Viharniki.
Welcome to the web page of a family business with a tradition that has been engaged in manufacturing heating elements and associated accessories for years.
Get more informations
+386 41 697 413
+386 4 23 65 270